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Privacy Policy

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The protection and security of your personal data is of paramount importance to us. The use of your personal data is in strict compliance with general data protection regulations in order to make you feel secure with us in matters of data protection.

It is important to us that you are always aware of which personal data is collected during your visit on our website and during the use of our services and offers, as well as how we use said data afterwards. The following notices are intended to provide you with information about this and also to inform you of how we protect your personal data from manipulation, loss, destruction or improper use.

Collection and Use of Personal Data
Personal data is any data that allows for your personal identification, i.e. your name, address, phone number or email address (“Personal Data”). Personal Data is only collected, processed or used by us if permitted by law or if you have given your prior consent.

We collect data from our patients and use it as part of providing dental treatment to them. This data is held on our server and shared with a third party practice management supplier.

a. Contact Request
We use your Personal Data exclusively to process your request to get in contact with you.

b. Patient Registration
Without your explicit consent we only use your Personal Data to carry out your registration.

In addition, we collect and use your Personal Data in particular for the following purposes, but we will ask for your specific consent to do so:

c. Online and Offline Advertising
Only with your express consent will we send you client satisfaction surveys, information about our services, treatments and events, and if applicable our newsletter.

If you provide us with additional consent to send you marketing materials we may use your data for patient analysis, treatment and oral health education messages and written advertising via email, phone or in print.

d. Right to Object to Advertising
You can object at any time to the use of your Personal Data for advertising or market research purposes. You may also withdraw your consent at any time by simply contacting us via email, phone or in person. Details of how to withdraw consent for receiving marketing materials is available on our website.

e. Online Applications
If applicable, when you apply online for a job opening, training opportunity or internship with us, your information is used for the sole purpose of processing your application. As soon as your data is no longer needed it is deleted or destroyed.

Gaining and Recording Consent
You will be provided with a clear, simple way to opt in to receiving marketing information.
Once consent has been gained the positive opt-in will be recorded on our practice management system.

Data Security
We and our service providers take technical and organisational security measures to protect stored Personal Data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorised persons. Our data processing and security measures are improved continuously to fall in line with technological developments.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Patient Referral Form